Monday, March 24, 2014

*REVIEW* Blessed (The United Series #1) by David Michael

Reviewer: Donna
Rating: 3 Stars

This book is the first in The United Series and to be honest i found the storyline to be slightly confusing as soon as i started reading. Ardra turns twenty one and keeps experiencing dreams where she meets this blond haired, blue eye man. She doesn't know who he is but she freaks out and makes herself wake up. Her parents are acting suspicious, a dog turns up outside her house that her parents are keen for her to look after and she is beginning to feel some unknown darkness inside herself. Plus there's an evil being named Chaos who is searching for Ardra to destroy her.

There are so many factors to this story that left me feeling confused through most of it. The storyline progresses so fast that it was hard to keep up with what was going on. Getting half way through, i felt like i grasped an understanding of the storyline better which allowed me to enjoy it. I'm hoping book 2 will enlighten me more as it took a lot of time for Chaos to meet Ardra and for her to find out about what she is and also finding out some secrets about the people closest to her. 

Her twenty-first birthday was supposed to be the beginning of a new chapter. She had been preparing herself for the moment she would be a real adult for months. 

There was no way she could have prepared herself for what happened instead. 

As her nightmares became more real with each night and her behavior became less like her own, Ardra fought to stay on the path she had so painstakingly planned for herself with very little success. 

When she becomes the owner of a creepily-human dog named Kaiser, she finds herself oddly at peace with the unexpected addition to her household and clings tightly to him when tragedy strikes and shatters her world. 

As she fights to put the pieces back together without losing herself in the Darkness that is building inside of her with each terrible step off of her path, a rag-tag band of supporters rally behind her. Each one of them prepared to go to the ends of the earth and back. 

She must find a way to defeat the Chaos that has consumed her life or risk losing everyone and everything that she has left. Including her soul.

 Amazon US

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